I love waking up with ted
I find the world a very complected and a some what distressingly beautiful place however most aspects of whats going on in the world does my head in. The result makes getting out of bed to face the world one of the most challenging task of my day. I hate waking up almost as much as i hate going to bed.
Now I find the contents of the daily news has the nutritional value of wonder white bread crust. TED Talks dishes up the worlds problem the form of a scrumptious gluten free pecan donuts (they are real and they are heavenly) TED make the worlds problem not only easy to digest but help fuel the cells of hope that we can and are making this world a better place. I have a morning ritual that feeds everything that i love most about the world so i start the day inspired, energized and with a different perspective to the on i went to bed with. Some people read the news paper over a eco cup latté on the train to work some drink a cooling tea overseeing negotiations between the bananas and yogurt so they don't touch each making them completely indigestible to the darling offspring. Mine goes like this....take my hell hounds for a jog, do some half assed yoga followed by a hot cold shower and dried off with a cold pressed carrot juice for my acne and flushed down with copious amount of fair trade black gold called coffee. Then i start work and first item on my list is to perched butt ready for a full screen assault with Pete on all the things i want to be and do in this tiny life of mine.
Pintrest / vision boards
Emails / Make sure the prince of nigra is happy
Esty a girl can never have too much leather craft
......of course if i ever get a boyfriend i expect all that to go out the window in a flash replaced by for breakfast in bed :P