"Doing Family" Watercolour Workshop

Talk a walk through Arc Gallery & see the final exhibition.

The Doing Family Exhibition coinciding with Victoria law Week 2021

This month-long exhibition included 22 professional artists from across the Gippsland Region. The cohort of Gippsland artists involved in this project contributed an exceptional standard of visual and sculptural artworks responding to the theme of family for this exhibition. Also included were contributions from a series of community workshops which were organised as part of the overall Doing Family project, workshops involved Gippsland community members exploring themes of family through learning watercolour application skills with tuition from an experienced creative facilitator. Participants came together to help install the exhibition in the week leading up to Law Week 2021, and this opportunity provided a sensitive, collegiate platform for exploring the themes within the artworks, which included family violence and family law, as well as celebrating family units, and showcasing the diverse people, pets, places, and wildlife contributing to the sense of family across our Region. Discussion regarding Gippsland community services available for individuals and families across Gippsland was part of the conversation.

This exhibition was very well received by the visiting public audience, who related to the theme of family and the diversity represented through the works. It was terrific to see how many visitors attended the site while the exhibition was open, given its location off the beaten track, coupled with Covid regulations, however people came from all over Gippsland to view the exhibition despite these challenges. The Doing Family exhibition was co funded by the Gippsland Primary Health Network One Good Community Fund with the Gippsland Family law Pathways Network & Better Place Australia and supported by the Victoria Law Foundation’s annual Law Week initiative


Watercolour Basics - Blob People